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Aantal resultaten: 12( DE:"panseksuele personen" )


Betty Blue  / Kurt B. Heighley ; Alyson Palmer, Elizabeth Ziff, Amy Ziff.

Out (1995) 27 (nov), p. 76
bron: Out (1995) 27 (nov), p. 76
samenvatting: Kort interview met de drie zangeressen van de band 'Betty' die een panseksuele seksualiteit combineren met politiek bewuste teksten.

signatuur: ts.

Betty Blue
Kurt B. Heighley ; Alyson Palmer, Elizabeth Ziff, Amy Ziff.

Perceptions of Individuals Who Are Non-monosexuals held by Graduate Students : A Q Methodological Study  / Colton Brown, Diane Montgomery & Tonya R. Hammer.

Journal of Bisexuality, 17 (2017) 1 (jan-mar), p. 73-87
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 17 (2017) 1 (jan-mar), p. 73-87
samenvatting: 'Non-monosexual' is an umbrella term for bisexual, pansexual, queer, and fluid+ identities, and it lacks visibility and acceptance in the larger LGBTQ+ community. Research has shown that non-monosexual experience more discrimination than their monosexual peers (. Q methodology was used to explore the perceptions that graduate students have of the non-monosexual community, with 19 participants sorting 40 statements addressing stereotypes of non-monosexuals. Using a principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation and a significance level of .50, two factors were interpreted as, 'We're all Okay' characterized by social acceptance and normalization of non-monosexuals and 'You Might be Okay' implying an individual acceptance of those who are non-monosexual, but lack of assurance on the place of non-monosexuals in society/communities. To further explain factor interpretation, two monologues are presented that represent theoretical findings for non-monosexuals for each factor. The discussion of these findings is framed from a social justice perspective oriented toward increasing acceptance of non-monosexual individuals.

signatuur: ts.

Perceptions of Individuals Who Are Non-monosexuals held by Graduate Students : A Q Methodological Study
Colton Brown, Diane Montgomery & Tonya R. Hammer.
Journal of Bisexuality

'It's not Pans, It's People' : Student and Teacher Perspectives on Bisexuality and Pansexuality  / Alicia Anne Lapointe.

Journal of Bisexuality, 17 (2017) 1 (jan-mar), p. 88-107
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 17 (2017) 1 (jan-mar), p. 88-107
samenvatting: This article explores how Canadian youth who participate in Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) and teachers who advise them perceive and/or experience bi/pansexuality. Participants's perspectives on, definitions of, and alignment with bi/pansexuality are examined as they unpack mis/understandings associated with nonmonosexual identities. For GSA members, bisexual and pansexual identity labels were not interchangeable terms; bisexuality was associated with the fe/male binary and pansexuality served as a personal contestation to this dichotomy. Despite these distinctions, both nonmonosexualities were marked by invisibility, mis/understandings, and prejudice in school. Findings emphasize how students? knowledge of sexual diversity and fluidity was more nuanced than their GSA advisors due to personal online research. GSA participation enabled bi/pansexual knowledge exchange among students and teachers, and promoted overall understandings of bi/pansexualities. Although GSA involvement facilitated opportunities to discuss bi/pansexualities, this article also highlights how an effort should be made to integrate bi/pansexual content in these clubs.

signatuur: ts.

'It's not Pans, It's People' : Student and Teacher Perspectives on Bisexuality and Pansexuality
Alicia Anne Lapointe.
Journal of Bisexuality

'Regardless of Their Gender' : Descriptions of Sexual Identity among Bisexual, Pansexual, and Queer Identified Individuals  / M. Paz Galupo, Johanna L. Ramirez & Lex Pulice-Farrow.

Journal of Bisexuality, 17 (2017) 1 (jan-mar), p. 108-124
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 17 (2017) 1 (jan-mar), p. 108-124
samenvatting: The present research investigates the way individuals under the bisexual umbrella conceptualize their sexual identity. Participants included 172 adults who self-identified as bisexual, pansexual, and queer. Participants individually completed an online survey in which they were asked to describe their sexual identity. Qualitative responses were analyzed via thematic analysis. Four major themes were identified and found relevant to all three identity groups: (1) labeling sexual identity, (2) distinctions of attraction, (3) explicit use of binary/nonbinary language, and (4) identity transcendence. Each of the four major themes was further composed of subthemes, and one minor theme of questioning also emerged. Patterns of responses across sexual identity were analyzed via chi-square analyses. Individuals who self-identified as bisexual, pansexual, and queer demonstrated similarities and differences in the way they described their sexual identities. Of the 15 emergent subthemes, six differed in frequency across sexual identity. Discussion focuses on elucidating when grouping bisexual, pansexual, and queer identities together may prove useful, and when it may further distort an understanding of the range of plurisexual experience.

signatuur: ts.

'Regardless of Their Gender' : Descriptions of Sexual Identity among Bisexual, Pansexual, and Queer Identified Individuals
M. Paz Galupo, Johanna L. Ramirez & Lex Pulice-Farrow.
Journal of Bisexuality

Nonsequential Task Model of Bi/Pan/Polysexual Identity Development  / Amney J. Harper & Renae Swanson.

Journal of Bisexuality, 19 (2019) 3 (jul-sep), p. 337-360
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 19 (2019) 3 (jul-sep), p. 337-360
samenvatting: There are several existing bisexual identity development models, however, there are still gaps in fully understanding the identity development of individuals who are bisexual, pansexual, and polysexual. This article seeks to describe the importance of specific labels in the process of identity formation and the differences that exist within these nonmonosexual identities. The authors introduce a model that also addresses intersecting identity developmental processes and oppressions, the person in a sociopolitical context, and the importance of community/political identity to individuals' identity development. First, the article reviews several bisexual identity development models and their limitations. Then, the authors propose a combined task and process model to address these limitations. This model will serve as a guide for conceptualizing the unique pathways that bi/pan/polysexual individuals experience in their identity development.

signatuur: ts.

Nonsequential Task Model of Bi/Pan/Polysexual Identity Development
Amney J. Harper & Renae Swanson.
Journal of Bisexuality

Bi : bisexual, pansexual, fluid, and nonbinary youth  / 

Ritch C. Savin-Williams.New York, NY: New York University Press, 2021 - x, 313 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: New York University Press, 2021 - x, 313 p.
samenvatting: What bisexual youth can tell us about today's gender and sexual identities. Despite the increasing visibility of LGBTQ people in American culture, our understanding of bisexuality remains superficial, at best. Yet, five times as many people identify as bisexual than as gay or lesbian, and as much as 25 percent of the population is estimated to be bisexual. In Bi, noted scholar of youth sexuality, Ritch Savin-Williams, brings bisexuality to centerstage at a moment when Gen Z and millennial youth and young adults are increasingly rejecting traditional labels altogether. Drawing on interviews with bisexual youth from a range of racial, ethnic, and social class groups, he reveals to us how bisexuals define their own sexual orientation and experiences--in their own words. Savin-Williams shows how and why people might identify as bisexual as a result of their biology or upbringing; as a bridge or transition to something else; as a consequence of their curiosity; or for a range of other equally valid reasons. With an understanding that sexuality and romantic attachments are often influx, Savin-Williams offers us a way to think about bisexuality as part of a continuum. He shows that many of the young people who identify as bisexual often defy traditional views, dispute false notions, and reimagine sexuality with regard to both practice and identity. Broadly speaking, he shows that many young people experience a complex, nuanced existence with multiple sexual and romantic attractions as well as gender expressions, which are seldom static but fluctuate over their lives. Savin-Williams provides an important new understanding of bisexuality as an orientation, behavior, and identity. Bi shows us that bisexuality is seen and embraced as a valid sexual identity more than ever before, giving us timely and much-needed insight into the complex, fascinating experiences of bisexual youth themselves.

signatuur: cat. (savin/bi) b


Bi : bisexual, pansexual, fluid, and nonbinary youth
cat. (savin/bi) b ODE3
Ritch C. Savin-Williams.

Exploring Clinicians' Knowledge, Beliefs and Clinical Experiences Related to Pansexual Youth  / Brisa Peña & Eman Tadros

Journal of Bisexuality, 21 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 308-331
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 21 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 308-331
samenvatting: Pansexuality is the emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction toward people regardless of their biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression. This study examined what clinicians know about pansexuality and their clinical experiences; 84 clinicians from different cultural backgrounds with an age range from 20-60 years old were examined. Participants were recruited through purposive sampling. Recruitment for the study utilized email advertisements containing a description of the study. Further, participants responded to open-ended survey questions related to working therapeutically with pansexual youth. Thematic analysis was utilized to gain a deeper understanding of specific ideologies, biases, and knowledge that these clinicians held. Pertinent themes emerged from the thematic analysis: unique challenges experienced by pansexual youth, working therapeutically with pansexual youth, and therapists? beliefs and assumptions. The results showcased the need for clinicians to be more mindful of biases, to further their training on sexual minority populations, and for overall advocacy. Clinical implications suggest professional mental health clinicians, therapists, and psychologists to implement trainings and practices that include pansexual youth and the LGBTQ + community without personal biases and assumptions in therapy sessions or during assessments.

signatuur: ts.

Exploring Clinicians' Knowledge, Beliefs and Clinical Experiences Related to Pansexual Youth
Brisa Peña & Eman Tadros
Journal of Bisexuality

"Bisexuality Isn't Exclusionary" : A Qualitative Examination of Bisexual Definitions and Gender Inclusivity Concerns among Plurisexual Women  / Allison E. Cipriano, Daniel Nguyen & Kathryn J. Holland.

Journal of Bisexuality, 22 (2022) 4 (oct-dec), p. 557-579
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 22 (2022) 4 (oct-dec), p. 557-579
samenvatting: The current study investigated how plurisexual women of varying identities conceptualize bisexuality. We conducted 25 semi-structured interviews women with attraction to more than one gender. Using thematic analysis, we identified three overarching themes: (1) definitions of bisexuality differ by ones identity label, (2) concerns about sexual identity label inclusivity, and (3) outcomes of inclusivity concerns among women attracted to more than one gender. Non-bisexual women (i.e., pansexual, queer) defined bisexuality as limited to attraction to cisgender men and women and critiqued bisexuality as reinforcing the traditional gender binary. However, bisexual women defined bisexuality as attraction to two or more genders, described bisexuality as inclusive of attractions to all genders, and negative psychological outcomes as a result of the debate around bisexual gender inclusivity. Our findings suggest that sexual identity researchers might consider adopting the definition of bisexuality provided by bisexual women in this sample: attraction to more than one gender.

signatuur: ts.

"Bisexuality Isn't Exclusionary" : A Qualitative Examination of Bisexual Definitions and Gender Inclusivity Concerns among Plurisexual Women
Allison E. Cipriano, Daniel Nguyen & Kathryn J. Holland.
Journal of Bisexuality

Latinx Bi+/Plurisexual Individuals' Disclosure of Sexual Orientation to Family and the Role of Latinx Cultural Values, Beliefs, and Traditions  / Roberto L. Abreu ...[et al.].

Journal of Bisexuality, 23 (2023) 1 (jan-mar), p. 1-26
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 23 (2023) 1 (jan-mar), p. 1-26
samenvatting: Family acceptance and support is crucial for LGBTQ individual's well-being. For Latinx LGBTQ people specifically, Latinx cultural values, beliefs, and traditions (e.g., familismo, gender norms, respeto, religion and spirituality) play an important role in their relationship with their family members. To date, however, little is known about the unique experiences of Latinx bi+/plurisexual people within the context of their families. In a sample of 63 Latinx bi+/plurisexual people, we used a qualitative approach to explore: (a) factors leading to the disclosure of one's bi+/plurisexual identity to family members, (b) experiences of Latinx bi+/plurisexual people within their Latinx families after disclosure; and (c) aspects of Latinx culture that influenced the experiences of Latinx bi+/plurisexual individuals and their families. Thematic analysis revealed five major themes: (1) decision-making process (presence of religiosity, fear of being excluded from the collective and violence, perceived negative attitudes toward bisexuality, selective disclosure, and disclosure of authenticity), (2) family reactions to sexual identity disclosure (acceptance, rejection, and invalidation, disregard, and erasure of bi+/plurisexuality), (3) cultural factors that influenced family reactions to disclosure of sexual identity (religion and spirituality, familismo and respeto, strict views on gender norms), (4) impact of family reactions on the individual (validated and affirmed, relieved and confident, hurt and disappointed, and identity concealment), and (5) impact of family reactions on the individual's relationship with the family (stronger bonds and distanced, disrupted, and strained). We provide recommendations for practitioners such as taking into consideration the importance of culture when working with Latinx bi+/plurisexual individuals and their family members.

signatuur: ts.

Latinx Bi+/Plurisexual Individuals' Disclosure of Sexual Orientation to Family and the Role of Latinx Cultural Values, Beliefs, and Traditions
Roberto L. Abreu ...[et al.].
Journal of Bisexuality

"Queering" Heteronormative and Gendered Sexual Scripts : A Qualitative Study About the Sexual Experiences of Plurisexual Individuals and the Potentiality of "Queering" Heteronormative Ways of "Doing Gender" during Sex  / Iris Buizer.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2023 - 93 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2023 - 93 p.
  1. genderidentiteiten
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This research project aims at investigating how plurisexual individuals navigate heteronormative and gendered sexual scripts in diverse gender relations. More specifically, this research explores how sexual scripts (e.g. acquired "guidelines" for sexual behavior) are embedded within heteronormative and gendered frameworks, how these scripts influence and/or guide the sexual experiences of plurisexual individuals, and how a "queer" perspective fits in envisioning sexual futures. As part of the theoretical framework, I use an interdisciplinary approach by drawing upon various theories from social psychology, sex research, feminist theory, and queer theory. For example, I discuss Simon and Gagnon?s Sexual Script Theory, Butler's theory of Gender Performativity, Halberstam's work on the Queer Art of Failure, Preciado's Countersexual Manifesto, and Muñoz's work Cruising Utopia. Additionally, to explore how plurisexual individuals navigate heteronormative and gendered sexual scripts in various gender relations, I conducted 13 semi-structured in-depth interviews with plurisexual young adults (aged 21-29) from the Netherlands. The findings of this research suggest that plurisexual individuals navigate heteronormative and gendered sexual scripts in varied ways, in which heteronormative and gendered sexual scripts are sometimes reproduced and other times deconstructed. Moreover, the findings propose a potential for 'queering' heteronormative ways of 'doing gender' during sex that possibly paves the way for more sexual freedom. With the findings of this research, I hope to open up the conversation about the complexities of navigating sex. By staying with these complexities, I envision a world where sex becomes more pleasurable and free.

signatuur: cat. (buize/que)

dgb grijs

"Queering" Heteronormative and Gendered Sexual Scripts : A Qualitative Study About the Sexual Experiences of Plurisexual Individuals and the Potentiality of "Queering" Heteronormative Ways of "Doing Gender" during Sex
cat. (buize/que)dgb grijs


( DE:"panseksuele personen" )

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